The New York Times loves your guest worker program .
That and immigration . We need a guest worker program
The White House says the guest worker program is a crucial component of the overall reform bill .
He argues that the best way to deal with the immigration problem is a guest worker program .
The Senate version includes a temporary guest worker program and a formula that would enable some illegal immigrants to eventually apply for citizenship .
The president found strong support among the members of the Chamber of Commerce , which has been advocating an immigration reform bill that includes a guest worker program .
While President Bush favors a guest worker program that would allow Mexicans to enter the United States on temporary work visas , Congress set aside the issue after opponents attacked it as an amnesty .
McCain says he now believes the border must be made secure before any other program can be implemented , but he still backs a guest worker program and a path to citizenship for immigrants already here who do not have a criminal record .
The Flow of Illegal Immigrants and Bush 's Guest - Worker Plan